
Peter Scholtes Webcasts

Introduction to Deming's Management Ideas by Peter Scholtes at The W. Edwards Deming Institute annual conference in Madison, Wisconsin, November 2008.

I am looking into (July 2014) the availability of the following videos, I will update the site when I get new information.

Peter Scholtes on videotape

Distributor: CC-M Productions

7755 16th Street NW, Washington DC 20012
Phone: (800) 453-6280     fax (202) 882-7432

  1. The Case Against Performance Appraisal (25 minutes)
    A brief presentation-excerpted from the international Deming conference held in Cincinnati in 1988. This is Volume I of the Films Inc. series, Implementing Deming: The Philosophy in Practice.

  2. What to Do Instead of Performance Appraisal (25 minutes)
    From the same conference and Volume II of the Films Inc. series, a brief summary of the notion of "debundling."

  3. Peter also appears very briefly in The Prophet of Quality. The tape that introduces the Deming Library. The entire presentation totals 60 minutes.

Distributor: George Washington University

Continuous Engineering Education Program, 301 22nd Street NW, Washington DC 20052
Phone: (800) 424-9773 . . . . . Fax: (202) 994-0458

  1. Teamwork in the Quality Era
    This is a videotape of a 1991 downlink telecast. This seminar looks at the environment of teamwork--at the macro level--and methods for creating and sustaining successful teams, on the micro level. We will explore the mission, purpose, and conditions leading to effective teams and an organizational spirit conducive to teamwork. (Two tapes, 2 hours and 25 minutes, $125.00)

  2. Practical Approach to Improvement
    This is a videotape of a 1991 downlink telecast. This program looks at the difference between true improvement and mere change that creates the illusion of progress. The presentation includes strategies, tools, methods, and case studies. (Two tapes, 3 hours an 20 minutes, $125.00)